5 - Focused, clear, specific. It keeps the Reader’s attention.
a) I know a lot about this topic and added interesting tidbits.
b) I showed what was happening instead of telling.
c) My topic was small enough to handle.
d) I can easily answer the question, "What is the point of this paper/story?"
5 - Extremely clear, visual, and accurate. I picked the right words for the right places.
a) My words are colorful, snappy, vital, brisk and fresh. You won’t find overdone, vague or flowery language.
b) All the words in my paper fit. Each one seems just right.
c) Look at all my energetic verbs!
d) Some of the words and phrases are so vivid the reader won’t soon forget them.
3 - Some really good parts, some not there yet!
a) Some things are new, other things everyone else already knows.
b) Details are general (nice, fun, some, good.)
c) I’m still thinking aloud on paper. I’m looking for a good idea.
d) Maybe I’ll write about this or maybe I’ll write about that.
3 - Correct but not striking. The words get the message across, but don’t capture the reader’s attention.
a) I used everyday words pretty well but I did not stretch for a new and better way to say things.
b) Most of the time the reader will figure out what I mean even if a few words are messed up.
c) My words aren’t real specific. Better, juicy details.
d) I used tired out cliches or phrases.
1 - Just beginning to figure out what I want to say.
a) I haven’t shared much information. I don’t seem to know much about this topic.
b) My details are so vague it’s hard to picture anything.
c) I’m still thinking aloud on paper. I’m looking for a good idea.
d) Maybe I’ll write about this or maybe I’ll write about that.
1 - Confusing. The reader is often asking "What did they mean by this?"
a) A lot of words and phrases are vague. (We were friends and stuff.)
b) My words don’t make pictures yet. (It was awesome.)
c) Some of my words are misused.
d) Over and over I used the same words over and over, until my paper was over.